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Artistic Wire 20ga Natural Copper per 6 yd (5.5m) Dispenser Roll

Artistic Wire 20ga Natural Copper per 6 yd (5.5m) Dispenser Roll
32.50 g
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Artistic Wire - Dispenser Pack
Feed wire through the hole for easy dispensing!
Colour: Natural (copper colour) 
Quantity: per 6 yd Roll (5.5 metres)
Size: 20 gauge - 0.81mm
Artistic Wire is a permanently colored tarnish resistant copper wire that is soft, easy to form, and available in a wide range of gauges and colours. use pliers, jump ring tools, mandrels, spiral making tools, hammers, anvils, bench block and other wire working tools to transform the wire into chain maille, jump rings, beaded chain, gemstone settings, wrapped jewellery and more...
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