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Beadsmith The Ricks RV Beading Loom - the Two Warp Bead Weaving Loom (Unassembled)

Beadsmith The Ricks RV Beading Loom - the Two Warp Bead Weaving Loom (Unassembled)
Beadsmith The Ricks RV Beading Loom - the Two Warp Bead Weaving Loom (Unassembled) Beadsmith The Ricks RV Beading Loom - the Two Warp Bead Weaving Loom (Unassembled) 2 Beadsmith The Ricks RV Beading Loom - the Two Warp Bead Weaving Loom (Unassembled) 3 Beadsmith The Ricks RV Beading Loom - the Two Warp Bead Weaving Loom (Unassembled) 4 Beadsmith The Ricks RV Beading Loom - the Two Warp Bead Weaving Loom (Unassembled) 5 Beadsmith The Ricks RV Beading Loom - the Two Warp Bead Weaving Loom (Unassembled) 6 Beadsmith The Ricks RV Beading Loom - the Two Warp Bead Weaving Loom (Unassembled) 7 Beadsmith The Ricks RV Beading Loom - the Two Warp Bead Weaving Loom (Unassembled) 8 RICKS LOOM 2 WARP ILLUSTRATION
600.00 g
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Beadsmith The Ricks RV Beading Loom - the Two Warp Bead Weaving Loom (Unassembled)
Unlike traditional looms , which leave you with multiple warp threads to weave into your design, Ricks beading loom leaves you with only 2 warp threads at the end of your project. It's ergonomic design and adjustable lengths make this an ingenious device which will quickly replace all other Beading looms.
Comes with a comprehensive user guide and made of quality Wood.
Kit includes:
Ricks Beading Loom
3 Warp Rods Warp Separator
4 Warp Pegs
Illustrated instructions
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